Haptic Study & Panel Test
Human physiology based panel study and quantitative haptic evaluation
What's Haptic?
• Feel good, or feel different?
• leather or plastic?
• a silky-soft and aromatic leather?
• sturdy metal?
• a smooth wood surface?
• easy to grip the control knob?
When you touch a material, the tactile feeling which is communicated between the human hand and the human brain will guide the customers to categorize the materials. For example, the touch evaluation of a leather surfacebecomes obvious that customer’s tastes are different and also change over time. People have various objectives towards leather, artificial leather and textiles. Therefore, what features are needed for designing specific materials with certain surface haptical characteristics?

We provide both panel test and quantative testing for your haptic study
Our expertise is to find out what feels good to the touch, and why it is good, and this is HAPTIC – a feelable factors for quality, function and taste! To understand and design your haptical features, it is firstly necessary to build a test panel of certain amount of samples that could be compared with one another by the customers. Then the subjective results lead to a ranking for how the products are felt. The second step is to work out the quantative parameters and test conditions for physical measurements. These quantative results arising from these standard physical tests are then compared and correlated with various ratings that the assigned test customers have evaluated based on their subjective evaluations.

The haptics research, which involves designing and testing in several phases, permits human sensory qualities – those perceived by touch, sight, hearing and possibly even smell. Surely there is no good haptics or bad haptics, it is essentially depending on the tested object. For example, “a car has to look good”, or “a mobile phone has to feel good” , or “how the surfaces felt to the touch?”
Contact us
- phone: +49 931 4104 884
- mail: info@i-spa.institute
Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 22
97076 Würzburg