Our Partners

Of German origin, the DFF (Deutsches Flachdisplay Forum) now is a growing international organization of companies and institutions from all over the world, which represent all parts of the Flat Panel Display (FPD) value chain.
Nowhere else you will find such a unique platform of display excellence to promote your innovative business projects.

The Institute of Machine Elements, also called “Gear Research Centre (FZG)”, has comprehensive facilities for examination and testing of machine elements, such as gears, bearings, synchronizations and couplings. Based on the research results developed here during the past decades, the FZG is the leading international research institute for gears and transmissions today.Â

Currently, under the direction of Prof. Poll, about twenty people are working at the IMKT on research into machine elements and tribological topics in the field of drive technology. The focus of interest is on rolling bearing, gear, lubrication and sealing technology.

INNOWEP is a global leader in design and manufacture of fingertip and hand abrasion testing machine and human physiology based haptic study.
Over the last 30 years, Innowep has been working closely with many industry leading companies, universities, research institutes and government agencies for product design, R&D and industrial standardization.
Contact us
- phone: +49 931 4104 884
- mail: info@i-spa.institute
Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 22
97076 WĂĽrzburg